February 2021 Calendar

Why was February chosen to celebrate Black History? Follow the link to find out how it was chosen https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/black-history-month/how-february-was-designated-black-history-month/2301310/

Let’s see if the famous Punxsutawney Phil will predict six more weeks of winter on February 2. Do you know how this tradition started? https://www.groundhog.org/legend-and-lore

The Altus Public Library will be closed on February 15, 2021 in observance of President’s Day.

Valentine’s craft will be available the week of February 8-13.

MLK Day Service Project

Teena Darden a “Volunteer in Service to America” (VISTA) Member assists the Southern Prairie Library System in displaying various books for Martin Luther King Day. Books and activity sheets displayed are for the young, teens and adults. It is not too late to pick one out for this long weekend of celebrating Martin Luther King.

January Virtual Storytime

January 13th – The books for today are The Snowy Day and Froggy Gets Dressed. Then a sing along with the song “Put your mittens on” followed by decorating your craft mittens

January 20th – Senora Rivera will be doing a Bilingual Story time with Ms. Bailee. They will be reading books on Yoga.

January 27th – Stories will be about bears! Our first book Can Bears Ski? and then “Polar Bear in the Snow”. Now lets make a polar bear with cotton balls.

There will be grab-n-go crafts available every week while supplies last. Limit 2 per family.