Great Plains Literacy Council
Learn English! We offer tutoring for ESL call 580-477-2890 to inquire about setting up a session!
Great Plains Literacy Council is now offering a beginning English class!
To register, call 580-477-2890.
Tutor Spotlights
Great Plains Literacy Council shows Tutor appreciation by spotlighting our tutors in our quarterly Literacy lines Newsletter!
The volunteer tutors are what keep our program going.
We appreciate the time each of them take to help others improve their lives!
Financial assistance for these special projects is made possible with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered through the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Weekly exercise classes
Chair Yoga with Erin Martinez every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00-11:45
Zumba Gold with Janelle Picinich every Thursday at 4:00-4:45 p.m. in the
Front meeting room of the Altus Public library.
Our Mission
The mission of the Great Plains Literacy Council is to positively impact Jackson and Harmon Counties through the provision of free literacy services to motivate adults so they can improve their lives, enrich their families, and strengthen their communities.
What We Do & How We Help
Great Plains Literacy Council provides basic adult literacy services in Jackson and Harmon Counties. Services are free.
Learn More
Resources and Websites for All Ages
Hot Spots & iPads
T-Mobile hot spots and iPads for literacy training for adult students and tutors. Call 580-477-2890 for more info.
Thank you, Sponsors
This project is funded through the OK Dept of Libraries with a federal grant from the Institute of Museums and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of ODL or IMLS and no official endorsement by those entities should be inferred.