Coffee Cup @ 10 a.m. w/ Theresa Gardiner

The Coffee Cup Bunch Friends of the Library welcomes Theresa Gardiner at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, at the Altus Public Library, 421 N. Hudson. Theresa will review,…

The ‘Grate’ Spelling Bee @ WOSC @ 9 a.m.

The Great Plains Literacy Council will be holding their annual "Grate" Altus Spelling Bee on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at the Western Oklahoma State College. Please join us! You can…

Color Me Calm @ 4 p.m.

In April, you have two chances to come to Color Me Calm, a fun program open to everyone where you can come to the library and relax for an hour…

Harry Potter Bingo Night @ 4 p.m.

On April 12th the library is going to be a bit more magical as we'll be hosting our first Harry Potter Bingo Night! The program will begin at 4 PM…

Charcoal @ 6 p.m.

Classes are held at the Altus Public Library (421 N. Hudson) from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Pre-registration and payment required. Registration closes 5 days before class begins. Class size is limited. Register and…

Charcoal @ 6 p.m.

Classes are held at the Altus Public Library (421 N. Hudson) from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Pre-registration and payment required. Registration closes 5 days before class begins. Class size is limited. Register and…