Welcome to BlueCareer!
Looking for a career in the Skilled Trades?
We can help!
Click here to get started with Bluecareer
Altus Public Library Hours

Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
Brain Fuse - HelpNow
Spring is the perfect time to grow your skills! Whether it’s math, science, reading, writing, or history, Brainfuse HelpNow offers interactive skill-building modules for every learner. Start growing your knowledge today! Visit HelpNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - JobNow
Ready for a fresh start? Explore your potential with Brainfuse JobNow’s career assessments, including eParachute. Discover a path that’s right for you! Visit JobNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - VetNow
Let Brainfuse VetNow simplify your benefits search—housing, healthcare, education, and more. Take the next step today! Visit VetNow to get started.
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New & Noteworthy
Please help our county by participating in this brief survey. Your feedback will contribute to a new countywide plan to improve internet access for all of us! Click HERE to take the survey, or scan the QR code below.
Library Branch Manager: Southern Prairie Library System – Altus
Did you know you can use Tags in Libby to organize books? You can find the Tags Screen on the Shelf tab. You can create a new tag from the Tags Shelf under ACTIONS.