Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search AR books in English or Spanish at the Accelerated Reader Bookfinder website.
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Altus Public Library Hours
Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
Brain Fuse - HelpNow
Spooky season is here, but your grades don't have to be! Get expert help with Brainfuse HelpNow. Visit HelpNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - JobNow
The only thing scarier than Halloween is a blank resume. 😱 Don't let that happen. Get expert help with Brainfuse JobNow. Visit JobNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - VetNow
Keep your transition from military to civilian life smooth this fall with FREE veteran assistance from Brainfuse VetNow, available at your local library. Visit VetNow to get started.
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New & Noteworthy
The events listed in this post can also be found on the Event Calendar of the library’s webpage. We will have Take & Make bags for the STEM Saturdays available at the library. All programs are virtual and will be posted on our Facebook Page! Like our page today!
Portal Mini Face Time Project. This project is a part of the Healthy Living – Healthy Lifestyles partnership with the GPLC and S.W.R.E. It is funded in part by a grant from the Southwest Rural Electric Operation Round Up program that receives monthly contributions from its members used to support…
The Hollis Public Library has updated the Citizenship Corner with new technology that is to be utilized by individuals studying for the citizenship test or applying for residency in the U.S. The USCIS website has study materials, practice tests, and the capability to print the citizenship and residency applications free…