10 events found.
Diabetes Seminar @ 1 p.m. with Haley Babb
Learn how to control your blood sugar to improve your physical and emotional health. This seminar will help you gain the strength and skills you need.
Story Time & Craft @ 10 a.m.
Bring your preschoolers to the library for a story time and craft. Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM we will explore a new theme!
Tai Chi @ 10 a.m. with Megan Monteith
The class is limited to 20 participants. Please call the Altus Public Library at 580-477-2890 to reserve your spot.
Ya Ya Yarn Fiber Arts Club @ 11 a.m.
Bring your own project to work on and share your love of crocheting, knitting, embroidery and more with others. Need help getting started? A crocheter will be on hand to…