OKC Bombing Commemorative Day – April 19, 2021
National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemorative Day is recogninzed on April 19th each year since the bombing in 1995. "The bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killed…
DIY Indoor Herbal Garden @ 1pm
Please join us on our Facebook page April 20, 2021 at 1pm. We will learn how to plant an herbal garden. Let's get dirty!!!
Virtual Storytime @11am
Join us every Wednesday @ 11am for fun stories and a craft. Please limit 2 craft bags per family. Miss Bailey can not wait to see you!!!! every Wednesday
Take & Make Craft
What will we make this month? See you on Facebook @1pm!
Family Friday @ 1pm
On Facebook @ 1pm Join us each and every Friday for some healthy tips ! See you there.
Summer Reading Program May 23-29
Summer Reading Sign-Up May 23rd - May 29th At the library or virtually
Summer Reading Sign-Up
Did you sign up? Contact the library or do it virtually!!!