
STEAM Pre-K thru 3rd grade @ 9 am

Did you know that kids who are not in school use STEM? Stacking blocks, matching colors of different toys or cups, sorting items by shape,or maybe playing outside to discover new things around them. STEM stand for science, technology, engineering, and math. The activities are geared for the Preschoolers thru 3rd graders. STEM programs expose…


Story-time & Craft @11 am

Join us for our weekly StoryTime filled with stories, music, and activities. Activities geared towards pre-school age, however, all kids are welcome. We started a new series for Storytime. Going through the Alphabet. So each week will be a different letter. The first week in January we started with “A” and this week we are…


Story Time & Craft @ 11am

What will the stories for the summer be? Join us at the Altus Public Library for Story Time & Craft!! Where the  Possibilities endless !!