Great Plains Literacy
The Council recruits volunteer tutors to teach reading.
There is a 5 hour training workshop where volunteers learn how to become tutors. The council matches trained tutors with adult students.
The program has been successful and we need more tutors!
Many of the students now seeking help are from the Hispanic population. Immigration laws require functional literacy. Before someone can get legal status, they have to learn how to read and write English. The Great Plains Literacy Council is there to help.
The council also helps spread awareness of the illiteracy problem and offers a viable solution. The council recruits tutors and motivates low-literacy learners who will have more of a chance to become better members of the community.
Become a Tutor - Contact GPLC
Great Plains Literacy Council
Phone: (580) 477-2890
Fax: (580) 477-3626
421 North Hudson, Altus, OK 73521