We are working on revamping our STEAM program at the Altus Public Library, and we would appreciate our patrons' input. Please click this link to take our survey: SURVEY
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Looking for a career in the Skilled Trades?
We can help!
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Altus Public Library Hours
Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
Brain Fuse - HelpNow
Winter is coming, but your grades don't have to freeze! Stay warm and stay on top of your studies with Brainfuse HelpNow! Visit HelpNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - JobNow
Feeling stressed about your job search? Don't let the hustle and bustle this winter distract you from your career goals. Our expert career coaches are here to help you navigate the job market and land your dream job. Visit JobNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - VetNow
Brainfuse VetNow offers free, confidential tutoring and academic support to veterans and their families. Whether you're taking classes or learning new academic skills, we're here to help. Visit VetNow to get started.
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New & Noteworthy
ALTUS LIBRARY ASSISTANT Full time, 40 hours per week which includes evening and Saturday hours as required. Duties include: a variety of library reference and circulation functions, high level customer service, children’s and adult program development, promotion and marketing assistance through social media.Requirements: Associate’s Degree with excellent written and oral…
Did you Know? If your household income was less than $72,000 last year, you can file online for free thanks to the IRS VITA/TCE program. The Oklahoma Department of Libraries offers access to state and federal tax forms and free e-file service for both state and federal filings. Due to…
Shortgrass Arts Institutes invites you to their first class since COVID-19.Join us on March 15th – 18th for Painting with Acrylics. Be sure to register as seating is limited.All COVID-19 Precautions will be observed.Use Social Distancing and masks will be worn during the class.