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Altus Public Library Hours

Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
Brain Fuse - HelpNow
Spring is the perfect time to grow your skills! Whether it’s math, science, reading, writing, or history, Brainfuse HelpNow offers interactive skill-building modules for every learner. Start growing your knowledge today! Visit HelpNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - JobNow
Ready for a fresh start? Explore your potential with Brainfuse JobNow’s career assessments, including eParachute. Discover a path that’s right for you! Visit JobNow to get started.
Brain Fuse - VetNow
Let Brainfuse VetNow simplify your benefits search—housing, healthcare, education, and more. Take the next step today! Visit VetNow to get started.
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New & Noteworthy
Let’s listen to Ruth Ortega, Interim Coordinator of Great Plain Literacy Council, as she speaks with Joel Reagan on national radio about our local Great Plains Literacy. Ruth talks about the services offered through the Great Plains Literacy and how these services impact our community.
Be sure to stop by the Altus Public Library or the Hollis Public Library to checkout a T-Mobile HotSpot. The T-Mobile HotSpot checks out for 14 days. To find out more information call Altus Public Library (580) 477-2890 or the Hollis Public Library (580) 688-2744.
Computer Webcams and Headphones are now available for library patrons in the Altus and Hollis Public libraries to use on the library computers! This project is funded through the Oklahoma Department of Libraries with a federal grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services…